CHILDHOOD CANCER support for those living in Western Australia
Cancer Council WA is a not-for-profit organisation, supporting West Australian’s of all ages who have been diagnosed with cancer.
They offer a number of practical supports including limited financial assistance to parents who are experiencing financial hardship as a result of their child’s cancer diagnosis.
Cancer Council WA can connect you with professionals who can assist with legal issues, financial planning, small business accounting and workplace matters through their Pro Bono Program.
Counselling and peer support programs are also available.
Hannah’s House is a family-centred service, committed to caring for children aged 0-18 years old, who have been diagnosed with a complex or life-limiting condition.
They work collaboratively with the child’s team at PCH, to help with the transition to home-based care and can provide in home childcare, to allow parents the opportunity to focus on other activities or enjoy quality time with siblings.
Hannah’s House work collaboratively wth PCH and Silverchain to provide in-home palliative respite and end-of-life support – arranged through the PCH Care Team or your Hannah’s House Clinical Coordinator.
Services are free for those who qualify and do not have NDIS funding.
Kids Cancer Support Group
Kids Cancer Support Group is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to connecting, supporting and enriching the lives of children diagnosed with cancer and other blood disorders at Perth’s Children’s Hospital.
If you’re being treated on Ward 1A, you’ll come to know them as the group constantly stocking up the kitchen and the lucky dips in the treatment rooms, delivering pizza on Friday night and sending around a toy trolley so children on treatment can choose a gift, and delivering coffee on Saturday morning.
KCSG also:
run a playgroup on Thursdays, which gives children, siblings, parents/caregivers and grandparents an opportunity to connect in a safe play space with activities tailored to their particular needs;
run a series of peer to peer support groups for families, such as KCSG Connect, our Parent and Carers private page, ‘TAPESTRY’ for Grandparents and ‘TRIBE’ for teens;
run regular retreats and special events, and provide tickets to local events and activities around Perth;
provide a welcoming supportive place at KCSG House in Leederville, as a ‘home away from home’ for the whole family to connect and relax with peers in an environment suited to their unique needs.
The Kyle Andrews Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to improving the lives of children with serious or life-threatening illnesses.
Each year, the Kyle Andrews Foundation takes 15 – 20 seriously-ill children, along with PCH nursing staff to beautiful Broome, for a camp designed to bring joy, and revitalise the body and mind.
They also provide eligible families with one-week complimentary holiday accommodation in Broome and can support families from the Kimberley and Pilbara regions of W.A., with accommodation at their West Perth apartment while their child undergoes treatment in Perth.
The Rotary Club of Boulder manages the Perth Children’s Hospital Goldfields Family Assistance Fund, which aims to support the parents, siblings and registered carers and patients who are required to travel for treatment.
Financial support towards transport, accommodation and other expenses associated with hospital admission is available to families who usually reside in the Shire of Dundas, City of Kalgoorlie/Boulder, Shire of Coolgardie, Shire of Menzies, Shire of Leonora, Shire of Laverton, the Shire of Wiluna and the Shire of Yilgarn; and who are ineligible to receive assistance from government agencies or other organisations for the claimed expenses.
Families can be referred by health professionals or the Social Work Department of Perth Children's Hospital or other medical facility; and claims are not means tested.
Sock it to Sarcoma! is a national not-for-profit organisation that strives to improve the quality of life for people living with sarcoma by providing practical support to patients and their families, as well as investing in research and raising community awareness.
Sock it to Sarcoma! facilitate a peer-to-peer mentoring program Australia wide, providing patients, carers, family and friends, with support from people who have experienced similar situations.
For those based in Western Australia, Sock it to Sarcoma! run the Time4Me gift program which provides patients of all ages and their families, with a small gift designed to allow them a short period of respite. This may include an opportunity for self-care or to avoid household jobs such as cleaning.
Following a referral from a member of the patient’s treating team, they can also provide limited financial assistance to support the short term needs of the patient while they undergo treatment.
Solaris Cancer Care is a community-based healthcare organisation that offers support, information, education, and complementary therapies to cancer patients and their primary carers.
Solaris provide a vast range of services to parents of a child with cancer including counselling throughout their child’s cancer experience, workshops and courses designed to build coping skills and resilience, complementary therapies for both body and mind such as yoga, pilates, qi gong, art therapy, meditation and sound therapy, reflexology, hypnotherapy, reiki, meditation, mindfulness, hand massage, relaxation massage and Indian head massage.
There are several centres throughout Western Australia and there may be fees associated with accessing the centres services.
Wrapped in Love is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to bringing smiles to little warriors under 18 years of age, who are battling cancer or blood disorders in Perth.
Wrapped in Love send Warrior Blankets (homemade superhero capes and bravery blankets) to children experiencing a serious illness or disability; and provide families with photo memories of their child at a chosen milestone, which could be used before their hair falls out or at the end of their treatment (this service is provided by Meagan of Onyx and Oak and is available to one family per month).
Dads of the Father Bears peer support program for dads on Ward 1a, have also come together to form the Gardening Crew, who support a family in need with free gardening services.
All nominations for services can be made directly through the website.
Wait, there’s more!
Check out the national charities that can also help you.