for many people, it’s profoundly confronting to hear that a child (OR GRANDCHILD) of someone you know has been diagnosed with cancer.
You immediately experience extreme empathy, and a desire to help. But how to help? What could one say or do that would make any difference at all?
The best gifts are ones that will be experienced as genuinely helpful by the recipient, and which can be willingly given by the giver.
If you’re going down the physical gift route, please be mindful of a few things:
Many hospitals have restrictions on balloons (particularly latex ones), and sometimes on flowers. Check to see if the hospital you’re visiting has any such restrictions.
If you bring it into the hospital, then the family you’re giving it to will have to bring it home. Because presents are the most immediate idea for helping that people have, how much stuff the family has to bring home can quickly get out of control. Think about sending it to their home instead, so that the family has a choice about whether or not to bring it in to the hospital.