living out of hospital can be all kinds of hard, for so many reasons. but there are always ways to make it easier.
For several months we were in hospital for weekly chemo, starting each Monday and staying for a few days at a time. Every Sunday afternoon I’d start to get emotionally wobbly as I contemplated returning. “I hate hospital!” I’d think, feeling sick about what was coming.
Aside from the distressing things that were happening to my son, hospital was hard for me because I’m very introverted when stressed, and highly sensitive to the look and feel of environments. The fluro lights made me sad. People bursting into our room with a lunch tray at a time when my toddler had finally succumbed to his midday nap made me angry. The toilet paper was harsh. There were no great smells, or pretty art, or any genuine privacy - our room felt like a thoroughfare.
The more I thought about it, the more I realised that there were aspects of this situation that I absolutely could control. This section is all about helping you to make hospital days (to the extent that you can) as good as they can be.