financial obligations don’t stop just because your child is critically ill. managing work is something many of us have had to figure out how to do alongside of caring for our child.
For some cancer parents, work is a welcome distraction from the pain of what is going on. For others, they couldn’t fathom trying to focus on something as banal as work when their child is this sick.
For others again, they’d love to work, but someone has to be there to manage all of the logistics of treatment - the time in hospital, dealing with side effects - and it’s turned out to be their job.
If there was ever a time to get really proactive about managing work and life, now is it. There will absolutely be medical emergencies that require you to not go to work, so you need to know in advance how you’re going to handle that with your workplace. For some families, cancer treatment is so regular and intense that it’s simply better shared between both partners, and you’ll want to negotiate a flexible or part time work arrangement.
The resources on this page are designed to help you find the solution that fits you best during this challenging time.

How a workplace can best support an employee with a really sick child
Looking for ideas past flowers and letting your employee use up their annual leave? Here are a range of ideas for gifts you could give, and work arrangements you could offer.
life, work, and cancer treatment: figuring out the financial balance
This workbook helps you to map out your child’s care requirements, and life’s financial requirements, so you can figure out if you need to work full time, part time, or not at all and find alternative funding.